Happy New Year!

It’s time to reflect on the past and look towards the future. Don’t focus on the mistakes and disappointments of the past year, but instead vow not to repeat them. If someone has hurt or disappointed you, forgive them and move on. Help others, and in doing so you will help yourself. There is no better feeling than hearing, “Thank you. You’ve made a difference in my life.”
Focus on being healthy; a sound mind and body will take you far. Spend time outside; nature will bring you peace. Put down the phone, iPod, tablet, etc. and really listen and interact with the people and the world around you. Don’t let this time pass you by; you will never get it back.
Be kind to yourself. Be grateful for what you have right now, and if you want more, set goals and work towards them. Most of all, be thankful that you’re here to enjoy another year. Make it a great one!

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. I agree-time seems to go faster the older we get and enjoying each and every day is the best thing we can do for ourselves. That and enjoying family and friends. Enjoying your posts always makes my day!


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